100% Pure Collagen Peptide Powder
•100% 纯胶原蛋白粉•
Deep Fish Collagen Powder from Korea
Pure Natural Fashion Beauty Product
• 纯净天然的时尚美容佳品•
#Fat free (零脂质)
#Sugar free (零糖分)
#No preservative (不含防腐剂)
#No colouring agent (无色素)
#Odourless and tasteless (无异味)
1. 使肌肤白嫩及保湿。
2. 促进骨骼强壮。
3. 恢复光泽亮丽的指甲及头发。
4. 改善血液循环。
1. 使肌肤白嫩及保湿。
2. 促进骨骼强壮。
3. 恢复光泽亮丽的指甲及头发。
4. 改善血液循环。
Four characteristics of pure fish collagen peptide:
1. Make the skin white and tender and moist.
2. Promote strong bones.
3. Recovery shiny nails and hair.
4. Improve blood circulation.
2. Promote strong bones.
3. Recovery shiny nails and hair.
4. Improve blood circulation.
您是时候该补充鱼胶原蛋白了吗?/ When you need the FISH COLLAGEN ?
Self-test whether the loss of collagen:
If you occupy three, that is, when a collagen supplement:
● skin aging was recently
● severe dry skin
● increased wrinkles around the eye
● dark spots, freckles and a sudden increase in
● stairs become very difficult
● have knee, elbow discomfort problems
● eyes easily tired
● very vulnerable to cold
If you occupy three, that is, when a collagen supplement:
● skin aging was recently
● severe dry skin
● increased wrinkles around the eye
● dark spots, freckles and a sudden increase in
● stairs become very difficult
● have knee, elbow discomfort problems
● eyes easily tired
● very vulnerable to cold
COLLAGEN PRICE/价格. 付款方法/条款 Payment Method / Terms & Condition
食用建议/Direction:每天食用1 至2茶匙(2至5 克), 可添加到任何饮料, 如牛奶, 蜜糖水, 咖啡,茶,果汁等 (建议温水)。
价格/Price :RM75/100gram (100gram可食用大约1个月++)
邮费/Postage:西马West Malaysia F.O.C . 东马Peninsular RM5/DELIVERY .
Daily consumption of 1 to 2 teaspoons (2-5 grams), can be added to any beverage such as milk, honey water, coffee, tea, juice, etc. (recommended warm water).
If you have any questions on products , please log on producer in South Korea's website : http://www.geltech.co.kr/eng/01_com/index.asp?menu=1&page=1
*** Terms & Conditions ****
-The prices displayed on the site are quoted in RM.
-After take order must full payment within 2 days.
- 在网站上显示的价格均以马币。
- 在采取订单必须在2日内全额付款。
-The prices displayed on the site are quoted in RM.
-After take order must full payment within 2 days.
- 在网站上显示的价格均以马币。
- 在采取订单必须在2日内全额付款。
Payment Method/付款方式:
A/c Name: Loo Wan Yuen
1. Maybank 2. Public Bank
A/C: 114357077110 A/C: 4939227635
Once you made the payment pls sms / email your details to me.
Consignee Name:
Payment Amount:
Payment to Bank: (if e-banking PLS let me know from which bank you transfer)
Payment Amount:
Payment to Bank: (if e-banking PLS let me know from which bank you transfer)
After you made the payment, please contact me immediately.
Once payment confirm, the goods will be sent within 3 days & you will receive within 2 - 3 working days.
Once receive the goods pls inform me.
If you have any enquiries,
Please contact me.... Thanks
Email & msn: rejuvenate_beauty@hotmail.com,
Or mobile: 012-3798367
当您付款后PLS SMS/ EMAIL您的资料给我。
付款确认后将会在3天内把货品寄出, 2 - 3个工作日内您将收到货品。
Fish Collagen Peptide Origin Country / 鱼胶原蛋白原产地
Geltech Co., Ltd. is the only Korean pharmaceutical company to pass a quality control review by the US FDA and receive cGMP validation. We have received the following quality certifications
- Jun. 2000 ISO 9001 certified by SGS Yarsley ICS
- Jul. 2001 HACCP certified by SGS Yarsley ICS
- Nov. 2001 Certificate of suitability certified by EDQM
- Mar. 2004 Inspected by US FDA in accordance with 21 CFR/110 (cGMP in manufacturing, packing, or holding human food)
Geltech is the first gelatin manufacturer in the world to institute a fully-automated production process that ensures uniform quality and safety everytime.
Geltech can guarantee the quality of our final product through the use of cutting-edge analytical and test equipment and strict quality control processes.
Geltech supplies only the highest quality products to their customers through strict process and quality control and fully automated process and equipment.
- 2000年6月ISO9001认证,SGS Yarsley ICS
- 2001年7月HACCP认证通过SGS Yarsley ICS
- 2001年11月由EDQM证书的适用性认证
- 2004年3月通过美国FDA检查了21 CFR/110按照(cGMP的制造,包装,或持有人的食物)
- Jun. 2000 ISO 9001 certified by SGS Yarsley ICS
- Jul. 2001 HACCP certified by SGS Yarsley ICS
- Nov. 2001 Certificate of suitability certified by EDQM
- Mar. 2004 Inspected by US FDA in accordance with 21 CFR/110 (cGMP in manufacturing, packing, or holding human food)
Geltech is the first gelatin manufacturer in the world to institute a fully-automated production process that ensures uniform quality and safety everytime.
Geltech can guarantee the quality of our final product through the use of cutting-edge analytical and test equipment and strict quality control processes.
Geltech supplies only the highest quality products to their customers through strict process and quality control and fully automated process and equipment.
- 2000年6月ISO9001认证,SGS Yarsley ICS
- 2001年7月HACCP认证通过SGS Yarsley ICS
- 2001年11月由EDQM证书的适用性认证
- 2004年3月通过美国FDA检查了21 CFR/110按照(cGMP的制造,包装,或持有人的食物)

以下是Fish Collagen Peptide 的成分/分析:
The following is the composition of Fish Collagen Peptide / analysis:
The following is a manufacturer's certificate / statement:
Fish Collagen Process Flow Chart/ 鱼胶原蛋白流程图:
如果您要更了解Geltech Co., Ltd , 请点击:http://www.geltech.co.kr/eng/index/index.asp
If want to know more about Geltech Co., Ltd company , pls click: http://www.geltech.co.kr/eng/index/index.asp
The following is the composition of Fish Collagen Peptide / analysis:
The following is a manufacturer's certificate / statement:
如果您要更了解Geltech Co., Ltd , 请点击:http://www.geltech.co.kr/eng/index/index.asp
If want to know more about Geltech Co., Ltd company , pls click: http://www.geltech.co.kr/eng/index/index.asp
胶原蛋白Q&A / Collagen Q & A
Q: Fish Collagen Peptide 是众品种中最纯最优之品种?
A:对全身细胞再生包括皮肤,骨骼,牙齿,头 ,眼睛,胸部,指甲,荷尔蒙激素等结缔组织!粉状型的胶原蛋白让身体细胞在服用20分钟内吸收率高达90%。
Q: 维持胶原蛋白含量,真能保持年轻?
Q: 维持胶原蛋白含量,真能保持年轻?
Q: 口服鱼胶原蛋白对于女性丰胸是否有作用呢?
A: 胶原蛋白中独有的羟脯氨酸具有收紧结缔组织的作用,能使松弛的组织紧实、承托起下垂的乳房,使乳房挺拔、丰满、富有弹性。
Q: 口服胶原蛋白与含胶原蛋白护肤品有何不同?
A: 口服胶原蛋白作用比较大,经过消化道分解可看到即可的功效, 可直接调解自己的肌肤状况,作用甚至可达到全身部位, 如头发,脑部,心脏等;而含胶原蛋白护肤品则以外来的方式使用在局部如脸部,其功效局限且缓慢。
Q: 为什么说到了25岁胶原蛋白会退化?
A: 根据研究显示,人体发展到了23岁是顶峰,而到了25岁之后,人体的胶原蛋白再生能力, 以每年1.5% 的几率退化,导致胶原蛋白逐渐流失。所以,我们需要摄取胶原蛋白补助品,以补充流失的胶原蛋白。一般上,1% 的胶原蛋白流失比例还好,但若到达10% 的流失比例,就会明显老化的迹象。
Q: 几岁才开始吃collagen才最合适?
A: 19-20岁这样其实就应该食用胶原蛋白了。每年我们的身体会流失1-3% 的胶原蛋白。胶原蛋白真的是个现代女性的救星!滋补养颜就好像燕窝。
Q: 可以瘦身吗?
A: 当然可以!而且瘦得健康,拉紧我们松弛的肌肉。
Q: 对于男性又有何功效呢?
A: 男性方面:保护关节、抗老化、抗自由基、提升心脏功能、调理雄性荷尔蒙...
A: 当然可以!而且瘦得健康,拉紧我们松弛的肌肉。
Q: 对于男性又有何功效呢?
A: 男性方面:保护关节、抗老化、抗自由基、提升心脏功能、调理雄性荷尔蒙...
Collagen Q & A
Q: The collagen on human health how is the effects?
A: Fish collagen found in human skin, bones, teeth, tendons and other parts of the main physiological function is to make connective tissue adhesive material. Collagen can hold up the skin. In the skin, the composition of its network with elastic fibers together to support the body, providing stability to the dermal layer of strong support.
Q: The best of the product in the market Fish Collagen Peptide is?
A: Regeneration of body cells including skin, bone, teeth, head, eyes, chest, nails, hormones and other connective tissue! Powder-type collagen cells in the body within 20 minutes of taking the absorption rate of 90%.
Q: Why is the growth of skin aging with age?
A: With age, the body will be a gradual loss of collagen content, network support body will thicken harden and lose elasticity, flexibility and really cortex reduce water retention, the formation of loose skin that wrinkles.
Q: Maintain the collagen content, can really stay young?
A: Yes, although the fish collagen only 3-5% of total body, but it is the appearance of a person's body is showing an old, skin-like state whether there is flexibility the key factor, once the body sufficient collagen, which can rapidly repair the injured tissue to enhance cell metabolism. So long as the key to protect the back of this, would like to stay young is much easier.
Q: Oral administrations of fish collagen for female breast have effect?
A: Collagen hydroxyproline in the unique role of a tightening of the connective tissue, can tighten loose tissue, supporting the breasts from sagging, so that the breast straight, plump and elastic.
Q: Any different of the oral administration collagen and collagen skin care products containing?
A: Effect of oral collagen relatively large, can be seen through the digestive tract can break down the effect, directly mediate their skin condition, the role and even body parts can be achieved, such as hair, brain, heart, etc.; and skin care with collagen The use of foreign goods in places such as the local face, its effect limited and slow.
Q: How old began eating collagen is most appropriate?
A: 19-20 years old, so in fact you should eat a collagen. Each year we lost 1-3% of body collagen. Collagen is really a modern woman's savior! Nourishing beauty like bird's nest.
Q: Why say a 25-year-old collagen will be degraded?
A: Research has demonstrated that the human body is developed to a peak of 23-year-old, while the 25-year-old, the body's ability to regenerate collagen, 1.5% annual chance of degradation, leading to a gradual loss of collagen. Therefore, we need to intake of collagen supplement, to supplement the loss of collagen. In general, the loss of 1% of the proportion of collagen fortunately, if the loss ratio reaches 10 percent, will be obvious signs of aging.
Q: Can I slim down?
Q: Can I slim down?
A: Of course! Thin and healthy, we relax the muscle tension.
Q: For men how the effect?
A: Men: the protection of joints, anti-aging, anti-free radicals, improve heart function, conditioning the male hormone...
Basically, the physiological effects are similar between men and women, but it is based on the body of male / female hormonal conditioning the body. Women also can protect the joint, anti-aging, anti-free radicals, improve heart function, as well as to the effect of breast!
Emily Goh 服用大概3个星期左右。。。皮肤没再生痘痘了。。。
Emily Goh only taking 3 weeks... then her skin no regeneration of acne. .
Packaging / 包装
***Paper Bag Packaging Import from Korea Factory***
(Inside is pack in plastic bag)
本店主会从10KG 分别包装为 100gram/包,200gram/包。。。
服用COLLAGEN的效果/The effect of taking COLLAGEN
这是我服用COLLAGEN 20 天前后的照片。服用20天后皮肤明显的改善。。
This is my take COLLAGEN 20 days before and after photos. 20 days after taking collagen skin significantly improved.
这是我服用COLLAGEN 40 天前后的照片。
This is my take COLLAGEN 40 days before and after photos.
This is my recent photo (3/9/2011). Then try someone else wedding veil. I was shot with my cell phone, I did not make-up . . can u see my face pink pink...haha...
从手机拍摄于26-12-2011, 虽然有点黑眼圈和疲惫可是脸蛋还是有红润的感觉。。
26-12-2011 took from my mobile, i have panda'eyes & tired but my face still have a bit pink pink... do u feel that???
Emily Goh 服用大概3个星期左右。。。皮肤没再生痘痘了。。。
Emily Goh only taking 3 weeks... then her skin no regeneration of acne. .
Angele 的老公只服用一个星期多肚腩小了很多。。。他的新陈代谢蛮快的。。哈哈
Angele's husband only taking 1 week more than his spare tyre smaller. . . i think he's very fast metabolism. . Haha
How to identify the quality of collagen/如何识别胶原蛋白的质量:
方法一 :将胶原蛋白粉末或颗粒倒少量在一张事先准备好的白纸上,将胶原蛋白的颜色与白纸的颜色进行比对。胶原蛋白的颜色:由于采用鱼原料胶原蛋白都是带点天然的淡淡的乳黄色,不可能是跟面粉一样的纯白色。除非用工业方法漂白过。
Method 1: pour a small amount of the collagen powder on the paper. to comparison the color of collagen . Fish collagen raw materials are a little natural light cream, it can not be pure white like flour. Unless bleached using industrial methods.
Method 1: pour a small amount of the collagen powder on the paper. to comparison the color of collagen . Fish collagen raw materials are a little natural light cream, it can not be pure white like flour. Unless bleached using industrial methods.
方法二 :品质好的胶原蛋白溶于水后是接近无色透明的,品质差的胶原蛋白溶于水后颜色为淡黄色,不透明。
Method Two: good quality collagen dissolved in water is nearly clear, colorless, soluble collagen of poor quality water color is light yellow, opaque.
方法三 :优质胶原蛋白略带腥味,但很少,质量差的胶原蛋白粉闻起来有股难闻的腥臭味。
Method three: high-quality collagen slightly fishy smell, but few poor-quality collagen powder have strong fishy smells .
方法四 :优质胶原蛋白比较细腻,分布均匀。如图下:
Method four: quality collagen more delicate, evenly distributed. Shown below:
方法五 :胶原蛋白的活性:好的胶原蛋白的活性相当好,吸附性也是相当好。用手直接搓搓就会有粘手感。具体鉴别方法是:取适量胶原蛋白(3,4克)置于空气中,好的胶原蛋白会将空气中的水分吸收后,形成一层乳胶状,很有质感的。用手一摁,会感觉有点软,手印会被清楚的留下。活性不好的胶原在空气中吸水速度相当慢,而且吸水后是硬硬的感觉,一点质感没有。如果将两种胶原取相同的量同时放在空气中6-24个小时,会更生动清楚的看到差别。
Method five: the activity of collagen: good activity of good quality collagen, absorption is quite good. Will have a direct hand rubbing sticky feel. The specific identification method is: take the right amount of collagen (3,4 g) in air, good collagen will absorb moisture from the air, the formation of a layer of latex-like, very textured. Hand a press, will feel a bit soft, clear fingerprints will be left. Activity of collagen in the air, bad water at a fairly slow, but after absorbing is the hard feeling, that feeling did not. If the two types of collagen take place while the same amount of air in 6-24 hours, will be more vivid and clearly see the difference.
DIY Collagen Mask / 自制胶原蛋白面膜:
使用collagen粉最好是“食用+外敷”,而且最好是选用纯的也就是说无任何添加剂的fish collagen powder,原因是fish collagen更接近人体的collagen!1个月就会感觉毛孔明显收紧,而且脸上还很光滑,皮肤也比没有吃以前更嫩一些!collagen也有消炎作用哦!有痘痘的MM可以试试看!
不要多说了立刻为大家一起分享了fish Collagen Powder 的使用方法:
第一步:准备面膜纸,小碗和Fish Collagen。
DIY Collagen Mask / 自制胶原蛋白面膜:
使用collagen粉最好是“食用+外敷”,而且最好是选用纯的也就是说无任何添加剂的fish collagen powder,原因是fish collagen更接近人体的collagen!1个月就会感觉毛孔明显收紧,而且脸上还很光滑,皮肤也比没有吃以前更嫩一些!collagen也有消炎作用哦!有痘痘的MM可以试试看!
不要多说了立刻为大家一起分享了fish Collagen Powder 的使用方法:
第一步:准备面膜纸,小碗和Fish Collagen。
第二步:先将一平勺(一茶匙平的/3g左右)collagen powder倒入小碗中。
第三步:再放半勺(半茶匙)的collagen Powder 到入小碗中。
第四步:放入适量的水(约20ml左右),collagen Powder 会自动溶解。
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