Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dr. Pico Oxygen Hydrogel Mask

Dr. Pico Oxygen Hydrogel Mask

Nobody has perfect or maintenance free skin.
Go Natural and reveal the true beauty of your skin with Dr.Pico!
100% Natural & Halal.
Now, affordable skin care with proven results are within your reach!
Contact us Today for a free consultation.

Dr.Pico Hydrogel mask, 它具有多种功效,主要有加强皮肤的弹性提升,令皮肤再生,亮白皮肤,去粉刺、雀斑,镇静皮肤等。100%纯天然 & Halal.
产品:Dr.PICO Hydrogel Mask 是由100% 纯天然的成份和80%水分结合成三维网状结构的生物凝胶,并附在一片透明的无纺布。


技术:Dr.Pico Hydrogel Mask 的日本面膜是采用皮米(PICO)水分子技术。什么是皮米PICO)?也许对大家来说很陌生,那么如果我说奈米(NANO)技术,你们大家一定都知道。我在网上找了一些相关的资料,欢迎你们去了解。


那么皮米(PICO) 是什么呢?
PICO 水分子技术,分子比奈米更小,更快速且容易被人体肌肤吸收!
PICO皮米 x10 -12:小于 奈米级的分子就是(x10 -9)


DR.PICO HYDROGEL MASK和一般的paper mask是不一样的噢,为什么市场上的面膜只鼓励客户敷不超过25分钟???而Dr Pico的就可以贴在脸上超过一小时,而无论你一天里面想贴几片都没问题,因为它是100%纯天然,不含任何Chemical或防腐剂,所以,美女们都可以用得很安心,不怕敏感。

               Mask - RM180/2 boxes. Per box (5 pcs)
面膜 -RM180/2盒。一盒有5片
Sabah- RM13.50.
Sarawak - RM12.00.
以上邮费只限860g+/- 的价钱

Dr Pico Hydrogel Facial Mask.

Helps you to achieve a more Healthy, Youthful and Radiant Complexion.
Dr Pico Hydrogel Facial Mask is a natural, preservative free products.

Japan Technology 100% natural and free from chemical,preservative, ...fertilizers, toxicities and fragrance.

That's why it's really safe to use even a very sensitive skin can use it.

Its contains oxygen that could help your blood circulation and your skin will become fairer and improve in better skin color tone.

Its have the natural bio-suction that can clean the dirt in the deep pore on your skin

Its combining four ultimate bio-medical beauty regimes of bio-cleansing, restoration, physical healing, and regeneration.

Its natural and effective products at a very reasonable price~


Dr Pico Hydrogel Facial Mask






Testimonial / 见证



The Trans-Dermal Technology works to penetrate the Hydro formula deep into your pores as the sago essences bio-suction power draws and expels body heat and toxins from your skin. This is why the mask is dry after 45 mins to 1 hour use.
NO alcohol, synthetic skin adhesives or fragrances are found in this mask as compared to other leading brands of Hydrogel or Hyaluronic Acid face masks. We are 100% NATURAL.

DR.PICO HYDROGEL MASK成分,面膜有80%resonant water,是皮米(PICO) 水分子技术,更快速而且容易被人体肌肤吸收. 在加上三维网状水凝胶复合物 3D Network Bio-Gel Polymer.以慢性释放方式深层传送活肤所需氧气及元素,发挥全面水疗功效。。。。PICO 水分子技术,分子比奈米更小,更快速且容易被人体肌肤吸收!