with EASECOX body shapers or
shapewear (slimming corsets or waist trimmer and girdles) and arm shaper, we can help you battle your
weight problem and get rid of cellulite and belly fat in a short time. The health and beauty benefits that you will get from wearing EASECOX
body shapers or shapewear and arm shapers include the following:-
- Weight loss
- Shape and remodel your body
- Firm up your body
- Prevent breast cancer
- Get rid of cellulite
- Improve blood circulation
- Increase metabolic rate
- Detoxification
- Relieve menstrual pain
- Relieve backache
- Correct and improve posture
现在,随着EASECOX的身体塑造或塑身内衣(减肥紧身胸衣或腰微调和腰带)和手臂的塑造者,我们可以帮助你战斗你的体重问题,摆脱脂肪和腹部脂肪在很短的时间。健康和美容的好处,你会得到从穿着EASECOX的身体塑造或塑身内衣和手臂的塑造包括以下内容: -
- 减肥
- 形状和改造你的身体
- 坚定你的身体
- 预防乳腺癌
- 摆脱脂肪团
- 改善血液循环
- 提高新陈代谢
- 排毒
- 缓解经期疼痛
- 缓解背痛
- 纠正和改进的姿势
1。 晶矿纤维的材质(第一张专利)- 具负离子和远红外线效果;三通功效:通血,通气,通便
2。特殊加工的弹性纤维棉织(裹上90支精棉)既第二张专利- 吸汗透气,贴 身不黏身。
3。特殊经纬 编织法(强中弱压分段加压,达到移脂效果)
4。人体工学引导裁剪- 达到理想曲线 (美胸,美腰,美臂,美腿)
5。二大测试:七万次的张力测试, 72小时的皮肤敏感测试
6。四重特效加工处理- 防臭(抑菌生长),起毛(吸汗透气),静电(不黏身,促进循环),荧光(防过敏)
EASECOX Body Shaper
Bust Enhancer(short bra), Gemstone Waist Sculptor, Gemstone Butt-hip Enhancer
Bust Enhancer(short bra), Gemstone Butt-hip Enhancer
EASECOX Arm Shaper
Body slimming, breast augmentation, preventing breast cancer, aliging spinal chord.
~Health Effects: Prevent breast cancer & breast lump, reconstruct & reshape bust. 健康功效: 预防乳癌,预防乳肿瘤,超大胸之救星。
~Slimming Effects: breast firming, enhance the bust line, fast reduction on upper arm and back.
塑身功效: 健康丰胸及减胸,减手臂,减背部脂肪。
**Diamant Gemstone Waist Sculptor(宝石腰荚)**
Align Spinal Column: 7 pieces of memory alloy, immediately reduces waistline by 3-6cm. Adjust bad posture, prevent spinal scoliosis, slim waist, breast augmentation, firm buttocks
整脊: 7支记忆合金片,腰围立刻减少3-6公分,矫正不良姿势,防止脊椎变形,减腰,隆胸(挺胸),丰臀。
~Health Effects: Realign spine, balancing shoulder.
健康功效: 矫正脊椎侧弯,肩膀高低不平。
~Slimming Effects: Flatten abdomen, smaller the waist, breast augmentation.
塑身功效: 健康平腹收肚腩, 健康瘦腰, 健胸, 丰胸。
**Diamant Gemstone Butt-Hip Enhancer(宝石裤)**
16 pieces 3D tailoring, strong medium weak pressure. Flatten abdomen, Support Hip thinning thighs.
16片立体剪裁,强中弱压, 平腹,撑臀, 瘦大腿。
~Health effects: Help for menstrual pain, cold uterus, constipation, flatulence, endocrine problems.
健康功效: 减缓经痛, 子宫寒冷, 改善便秘,肠胃不顺畅,内分泌问题。
~Slimming effects: Support hips, thinning thighs, flatten abdomen.
塑身功效: 健康提臀, 瘦腿, 平腹。
注意 !
if you choose the wrong size, not only can not achieve a perfect physique, may also damage the body, can not be careless! Professional body designer for your custom design is necessary.
1.青春期: 這段時期是女性第二性徵開始出現的時候,胸部開始發育,正確地使用調整型內衣可以幫助身材發育出完美曲線。
2.生育期: 生育期女性身體的變化可不只是肚子而已,胸部體型都可能變形,穿調整型內衣,不僅讓胸形不下垂,更有可能讓罩杯升級。穿著調整型內衣來做產後的塑身,安全又快速。
3.更年老化期: 因老化而皮膚鬆弛,骨骼變形,利用調整型內衣可以讓下垂的胸部堅挺,特殊的腰莢可保護脊椎、矯正姿勢。
1.青春期: 這段時期是女性第二性徵開始出現的時候,胸部開始發育,正確地使用調整型內衣可以幫助身材發育出完美曲線。
2.生育期: 生育期女性身體的變化可不只是肚子而已,胸部體型都可能變形,穿調整型內衣,不僅讓胸形不下垂,更有可能讓罩杯升級。穿著調整型內衣來做產後的塑身,安全又快速。
3.更年老化期: 因老化而皮膚鬆弛,骨骼變形,利用調整型內衣可以讓下垂的胸部堅挺,特殊的腰莢可保護脊椎、矯正姿勢。
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We guarantee that you will be able to achieve results with EASECOX body shapers!我们保证你将能够实现与EASECOX的身体塑造的结果! |